
Author Services

I provide a wide variety of edits to fit your needs.


Comprehensive Edits

CompleteD Manuscripts

Comprehensive Edit

For Novels, Short Stories & Narrative Nonfiction

In a comprehensive edit, I will examine every aspect of your story. My goal is to give you a clear blueprint for ways to approach your revision while maintaining your unique editorial vision. The format of this edit most closely resembles what you would get from an editor at a publishing house, since that is my background, but on a larger scale.

The details: I’ll provide a macro and a micro analysis of your craft and the manuscript’s underlying structure—basically, the big picture and the small stuff. For example, a macro analysis of the plot will address the overall plot structure, while a micro analysis of the plot will address chapter development and scene craft. In addition to plotting, I’ll review other narrative building blocks, including pacing, character and relationship development, themes, perspective, and world-building. I will address craft elements, such as voice, prose, dialog, and exposition, and I’ll offer a market analysis based on genre and age group.  

By the end of the edit, you will have the tools to revise your manuscript with confidence.

included in a comprehensive edit:

  • Multiple close reads

  • An editorial plan drafted after the initial read

  • A fully annotated manuscript with line edits where appropriate

  • An in-depth editorial letter

  • One review session, up to an hour over Zoom or telephone

this edit is best for:

This edit is best for writers of all levels who are open, ready, and committed to taking on a revision. It’s most effective on completed manuscripts that have been through more than one draft.

The editorial rate is based on the manuscript’s word count. Please request a quote. 

“Rachel is the real deal. Her editorial prowess, detailed feedback, and expert craft advice elevated my troubled manuscript and boosted my confidence as a writer. After working with her twice, I felt I had been given a toolbox filled with all the metaphorical gadgets and gizmos I needed to build an engaging, well-paced, structurally sound story that could stand on its own.”

Picture Book Comprehensive Edit

In a picture book comprehensive edit, I will examine every aspect of your story. My goal is to give you a clear blueprint for ways to approach your revision while maintaining your unique editorial vision. The format of this edit most closely resembles what you would get from an editor at a publishing house, since that is my background, but on a larger scale.

The details: I’ll provide a macro and a micro analysis of your craft and the manuscript’s underlying structure—basically the big picture and the small stuff. For example, a macro analysis of the story’s pace will examine the overall flow of the plot, while a micro analysis will examine the elements of the read-aloud, like rhythm and refrain, use of page-turn moments, and employment of single pages and spreads. In addition to pacing, I’ll review other narrative building blocks, including plotting, character and relationship development, themes, perspective, worldbuilding, and the relationship between art and text. I will address craft elements, such as voice, prose, dialog, and exposition, and I’ll offer a market analysis based on genre and age group.

By the end of the edit, you will know the ins and outs of how to write a picture book and have the tools to revise your manuscript with confidence.

included in a picture book comprehensive edit:

  • Multiple close reads

  • An editorial plan drafted after the initial read

  • A fully annotated manuscript with line edits where appropriate

  • An in-depth editorial letter

  • One review session, up to an hour over Zoom or telephone

Note: This edit does not include an art dummy review. If you are both the author and the illustrator, see below for the Picture Book Comprehensive Edit and Art Review.

Advice: If you are not an artist, you do not need to illustrate your manuscript or have it illustrated before submitting your book for representation or acquisition.

this edit is best for:

This edit is best for writers of all levels who are open, ready, and committed to taking on a revision. It’s most effective on completed manuscripts that have been through more than one draft.

The editorial rate is based on the manuscript’s word count. Please request a quote.


Picture Book Comprehensive Edit & Art Review

This edit combines the Picture Book Comprehensive Edit (see above) with an art dummy review.

The details: I’ll assess your art in relation to the prose and I’ll advise on the use of single pages, spreads, and vignettes; perspective; and the overall style for the market.   

By the end of the edit, you will have the narrative tools and the artistic guidance you need to master your revision.

Included In a Picture Book comprehensive edit and Art review:

  • Multiple close reads

  • An editorial plan drafted after the initial read

  • A fully annotated manuscript with line edits where appropriate

  • An art dummy review

  • An in-depth editorial letter

  • One review session, up to an hour over Zoom or telephone.

this edit is best for:

This edit is best for writers of all levels and professional artists who are open, ready, and committed to taking on a revision. It’s most effective on completed manuscripts that have been through more than one draft. The art can be in sketches or in a more completed stage.

The editorial rate is based on the manuscript’s word count and the number of art pieces. Please request a quote.

“I am infinitely thankful that I had the opportunity to learn from Rachel. When I wrote my first children’s book manuscript, I was clueless about the writing, submission, and publishing process. I didn’t even know how to properly format or paginate a manuscript! Rachel shared a wealth of knowledge with me that covered the elements of writing children’s book manuscripts all the way to what I should expect from the submission process. Not only is Rachel a skilled writer and editor, she believed in me and in my manuscript. During a time when I was filled with feelings of vulnerability and self-doubt, Rachel was a constant force of positivity and support. Thanks to Rachel, my manuscript found a home.”

Partial Manuscripts

First 50 Pages & Synopsis Comprehensive Edit

For Novels & Narrative Nonfiction

When seeking representation or submitting for acquisition, it’s imperative that the first 50 pages of your manuscript are as strong as they can be. These are the pages that will get you in the door.

I will focus on the following areas: establishing the plot hook, introducing the primary characters, world-building, first-act development, and your overall craft (voice, prose, dialog, and exposition). I’ll also offer a market analysis based on genre and age group.

Since the plot of the book will inform what needs to go in the first 50 pages, this edit includes a synopsis review that will address the overall shape of your story.

By the end of the edit, you will have the tools to get your plot out the gate, punch up your prose, and create compelling characters that will carry your story.

included in A First 50 Pages & Synopsis Comprehensive Edit:

  • Multiple close reads of the partial manuscript and the synopsis

  • Fully annotated documents with line edits where appropriate

  • An in-depth editorial letter

  • One review session, up to an hour over Zoom or telephone

this edit is best for:

This edit is best for writers of all levels who want to know if they are on the right track, but are open, ready, and committed to taking on a revision.

The editorial rate is based on the word count of each document. Please request a quote. 

Developmental Edits

Developmental Manuscript Critique

For Novels, Short Stories & Narrative Nonfiction

A developmental manuscript critique is broad-stroke editorial assessment. My goal is to highlight the larger plotting and craft areas that require revision, giving you a solid foundation before you embark on a more intensive edit.

The details: I will provide a macro analysis of the manuscript’s narrative building blocks, including plotting, pacing, character and relationship development, themes, perspective, and worldbuilding, along with a review of your craft (voice, prose, dialog, and exposition). Further, I’ll present a market analysis based on genre and age group.

By the end of the edit, you will know the most important areas to tackle in your next revision.

included in a developmental Manuscript critique:

  • Multiple close reads

  • A broad-stroke editorial letter

  • One review session, up to an hour over Zoom or telephone

Note: This edit does not include any manuscript annotations or line edits.

this edit is best for:

This edit is best for writers of all levels who are not ready for a comprehensive assessment, but have completed a first draft. A developmental critique may also appeal to writers who are confident in their overall plot structure, but are looking for a general professional assessment.  

The editorial rate is based on the manuscript’s word count. Please request a quote.


Proposal Development

For Novels & Narrative Nonfiction

A proposal development edit encompasses a review of the following materials:

Novels: log line, plot synopsis, character studies, target audience, marketing plan, author bio, competitive analysis, and up to 3 sample chapters

Nonfiction: overview, table of contents with chapter outline, target audience, marketing plan, author bio, competitive analysis, and 1-2 sample chapters

My goal is to help you assemble a compelling and cohesive package to sell your pitch.

included in a Proposal Development Edit:

  • Multiple close reads

  • Fully annotated documents with line edits where appropriate

  • An in-depth editorial letter

  • One review session, up to an hour over Zoom or telephone


This edit is best for writers of all levels who are planning to query and pitch their books on spec.

Please request a quote.


Developmental Outline Review

For Novels & Short Stories

For many writers, outlining is the first step toward creating a cohesive story structure, and it’s one that I recommend. In a developmental outline review, I will assess your story’s plot structure and its character arc progressions.

The details: I will examine the primary plot, the subplots, and your character arcs, and advise on the best way to weave them together to achieve an intricate, organized, pacey, and compelling story.

By the end of the edit, you will have a structurally solid plot to use on your first or next draft.

Included in a Developmental Outline Review:

  • Multiple close reads

  • A fully annotated outline with line edits where appropriate

  • An in-depth editorial letter

  • One review session, up to an hour over Zoom or telephone

This Edit is BEST for:

This edit is best for writers of all levels at the beginning stages of drafting their story.

Please request a quote.

Query Critiques

For Novels, Picture Books, Short Story Collections & Narrative Nonfiction

Congrats, you’ve finished your book and are ready to submit it to literary agents! Now you need a query that’s going to grab their attention and sell your book in the most compelling and accurate way. I will review your letter, focusing on polishing the plot hook and ensuring that the remainder of the note is professional and essential.

By the end of the edit, you will have the tools to create an attention-grabbing query letter.

Advice: Every agency has its own set of guidelines about what should be included in a submission, so make sure to read those instructions carefully!

INCLuded in a query critique:

  • Multiple close reads

  • A fully annotated query letter with line edits where appropriate

  • A broad-stroke editorial letter

  • One review session, up to an hour over Zoom or telephone


This edit is best for writers of all levels who are ready to send their manuscript out for representation.

Please request a quote.